Inspection and testing isn’t just a qualification, it’s where it all begins.
All installations throughout the country depend on your electrician having the knowledge to assure your installation is safe and if not find out why,
A typical house on a typical street has a old consumer unit and wiring, this isn’t always a bad thing as testing will verify the effectiveness of the cabling and accessories.
But when a fault occurs then in depth knowledge of testing can not only save time but money too.
Case and Young Limited have been asked to carry out fault finding on jobs where other electricians have either mentioned rewire or admittedly not be able to find the fault.
It’s not always necessary to rewire the whole house.
Our experience in domestic and industrial wiring means that time and costs are kept to a minimum.
Have you checked your tested sticker on your consumer unit to see when it was last tested and when it’s due for real test?
The best advice we can give our customers is have your installation tested, it can identify potential faults and dangers.
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